
I already introduced UnMHT in a previous post about Translated Excel Functions, but I think this Firefox add-on deserves its own post since it’s so useful.


What is UnMHT

UnMHT is a Firefox add-on that generates MHT files from web pages. MHT or MHTML is a file format like many others, except it works like an archive (.7z, .zip, .rar, etc.) and includes WITHIN the file all the necessary files, scripts, pictures and code required to view a web page offline, exactly like its original online version.

This is very useful. Everyone can have a different reasons to view a webpage offline, but they all share a common thing: no need to be connected to the Internet to view the page.


Unmht Firefox 57

UnMHT adds MHT file reading/writing support to Firefox. MHT (MHTML, RFC2557) is the webpage archive format to store HTML and images, CSS into single file. UnMHT provides following features:. Save webpage as MHT file. Save selection as MHT file. Insert URL of the webpage and date you saved into saved MHT file. From the AMO page of UnMHT: UnMHT is not compatible with e10s. That's the problem, I suppose. You need to deactivate e10s. Go to Preferences - General and uncheck the topmost setting concerning e10s / multiprocess mode.

Installing UnMHT

Of course, since you’re already using Firefox, this will be very, very easy. Simply open your extension manager (Ctrl+Shift+A), enter “UnMHT” in the search field, search and install. That’s it! Nothing to download, no link to go to and no restart required!

Creating MHT pages

Firefox Mht Files

Once UnMHT is installed, simply go the a page you want to save for future use, then go in File -> Save as MHT and Voilà! You’re done. You can also simply right-click anywhere on the page and choose “Save as MHT…“. Also note that you can even save multiple opened tabs as MHT.



Unmht Waterfox
