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Water hammer occurs when water flowing through the pipes is suddenly forced to stop or change direction. Your water supply is kept at a high pressure so that water can easily flow from the pipes.
If you have livestock or pets, plan for their needs, too. Hand pumps and large scale water storage will be essential for large numbers of animals or large animals. BASIC TOOLS & SUPPLIES. Get a good basic tool kit (hammer, knife, screwdriver, etc.). Ensure you have tarps, duct tape and fire extinguishers. Consider other items like a bike pump. Water Hammer Fix - Easy to Repair in an Existing Home. QUESTION: Tim, each time I shut off a faucet in my home my water pipes rattle and make a dreadful sound. It seems to me that they might burst from terrifying noise. The problem is common in many houses on my street as I’ve asked my neighbors if they have the same problem. Forest Badge: Lv30 Pokemon obey; allows use of HM01 - Cut outside of battle. TM 86: Grass Knot - deals damage based on the opponent's weight. Corrigan's pulse a jerky pulse with full expansion and sudden collapse occurring in aortic regurgitation; called also water-hammer pulse. Dicrotic pulse a pulse characterized by two peaks, the second peak occurring in diastole and being an exaggeration of the dicrotic wave; called also pulsus bisferiens.
[puls] 2. the beat of the heart as felt through the walls of a peripheral artery, such as that felt in the radial artery at the wrist. Other sites for pulse measurement include the side of the neck (carotid artery), the antecubital fossa (brachial artery), the temple (temporal artery), the anterior side of the hip bone (femoral artery), the back of the knee (popliteal artery), and the instep (dorsalis pedis artery).What is felt is not the blood pulsing through the arteries (as is commonly supposed) but a shock wave that travels along the walls of the arteries as the heart contracts. This shock wave is generated by the pounding of the blood as it is ejected from the heart under pressure. It is analogous to the hammering sound heard in steam pipes as the steam is forced into the pipes under pressure. A pulse in the veins is too weak to be felt, although sometimes it is measured by sphygmograph (see below); the tracing obtained is called a phlebogram.
The pulse is usually felt just inside the wrist below the thumb by placing two or three fingers lightly upon the radial artery. The examiner's thumb is never used to take a pulse because its own pulse is likely to be confused with that of the patient. Pressure should be light; if the artery is pressed too hard, the pulse will disappear entirely. The number of beats felt in exactly 1 minute is the pulse rate.
In taking a pulse, the rate, rhythm, and strength or amplitude of the pulse are noted. The average rate in an adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. The rhythm is checked for possible irregularities, which may be an indication of the general condition of the heart and the circulatory system.
The amplitude of a pulse can range from totally impalpable to bounding and full; however, such terms are vague and subject to misinterpretation. To provide a more standardized description of pulse amplitude some agencies and hospitals use a scale that provides a more objective evaluation and reporting of the force of a pulse. On such a scale zero would mean that the pulse cannot be felt; +1 would indicate a thready, weak pulse that is difficult to palpate, fades in and out, and is easily obliterated with slight pressure; +2 would be a pulse that requires light palpation but once located would be stronger than a +1; +3 would be considered normal; and a +4 pulse would be one that is strong, bounding, easily palpated, and perhaps hyperactive, and could indicate a pathological condition such as aortic regurgitation.
If a pulse is noted to be weaker during inhalation and stronger during exhalation (pulsus paradoxus), this could indicate either greater reduction in the flow of blood to the left ventricle than is normal, as in constrictive pericarditis or pericardial effusion, or a grossly exaggerated inspiratory maneuver, as in tracheal obstruction, asthma, or emphysema.
An instrument for registering the movements, form, and force of the arterial pulse is called a sphygmograph. The sphygmographic tracing (or pulse tracing) consists of a curve having a sudden rise (primary elevation) followed by a sudden fall, after which there is a gradual descent marked by a number of secondary elevations.
NutritionA general term for lentils, beans and peas. The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) reserves the term pulse for crops harvested solely for dry seed, thus excluding green beans and green peas, which the FAO calls vegetable crops; it also excludes crops primarily grown for oil extraction (e.g., soybeans and peanuts).
See Round of chemotherapy.
Physical exam
The tactile sensation imparted by the flow of blood through a particular artery. The most commonly measured pulses are the radial pulse at the wrist and the dorsalis pedis over the foot.
Cardiology The rhythmic expansion of a blood vessel, which for certain large arteries can be evaluated clinically using the fingers or stethoscope; the 'ritual' of taking the Pt's pulse provides information about the heart rate, and a marked ↓ in the strength of the pulse suggests severe atherosclerosis, ↓ pumping activity by the heart, or vascular defects in the form of AV shunts or fistulas. See Bisferiens pulse, Corrigan's pulse, Dorsalis pedis pulse, Femoral pulse, Paradoxic pulse, Pistol shot pulse, Quincke's pulse, Radiofrequency pulse, Water hammer pulse. Cf Pulse diagnosis Nuclear medicinepulse
(pŭls)Synonym(s): pulsus.
(puls) [L. pulsus, beating]Yourbittorrent free download. A tracing of this is called a sphygmogram and consists of a series of waves in which the upstroke is called the anacrotic limb, and the downstroke (on which is normally seen the dicrotic notch), the catacrotic limb.
The normal resting pulse in adults is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. The resting pulse is faster, for example, in febrile patients, anemic or hypovolemic persons, persons in shock, and patients who have taken drugs that stimulate the heart, such as theophylline, caffeine, nicotine, or cocaine. It may be slower in well-trained athletes; in patients using beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, or other agents; and during sleep or deep relaxation.
Patient care
In patients complaining of chest pain, pulses should be assessed in at least two extremities (e.g., both radial arteries). A strong pulse on the right side with a weak one on the left may suggest an aortic dissection or a stenosis of the left subclavian artery. Young patients with high blood pressure should have pulses assessed simultaneously at the radial and femoral artery because a significant delay in the femoral pulse may suggest coarctation of the aorta. Patients with recent symptoms of stroke or claudication should have pulses checked at the carotid, radial, femoral, popliteal, and posterior tibial arteries, to see whether any palpable evidence of arterial insufficiency exists at any of these locations. If a decreased pulse is detected, further evaluation might include ultrasonography or assessments of the ankle brachial index. Patients who are lightheaded or dizzy or who notice palpitations may have detectable premature beats or other pulse irregularities (e.g., the irregularly irregular pulse of atrial fibrillation).
abdominal pulse
alternating pulse
anacrotic pulse
anadicrotic pulse
apical pulse
asymmetrical radial pulse
Unequal pulse.basal pulse
Resting pulse.bigeminal pulse
bisferiens pulse
bounding pulse
brachial pulse
See: Pulse: Brachialcapillary pulse
carotid pulse
See: Pulse: Carotidcatacrotic pulse
catadicrotic pulse
central pulse
collapsing pulse
Bounding pulse.Corrigan's pulse
See: waterhammer pulsecoupled pulse
Bigeminal pulse.dicrotic pulse
dorsalis pedis pulse
entoptic pulse
femoral pulse
See: Pulse: Femoralfiliform pulse
Thready pulse.hepatic pulse
intermediate pulse
intermittent pulse
irregular pulse
Intermittent pulse.irregularly irregular pulse
jugular pulse
Kussmaul's pulse
See: Kussmaul, Adolphmonocrotic pulse
nail pulse
paradoxical pulse
pulse parvus
Pulsus parvus et tardus.peripheral pulse
pistol-shot pulse
plateau pulse
popliteal pulse
See: Pulse: PoplitealQuincke's pulse
See: capillary pulseradial pulse
rapid pulse
Tachycardia.regular pulse
respiratory pulse
resting pulse
retrosternal pulse
Riegel's pulse
See: Riegel's pulserunning pulse
short pulse
slow pulse
small pulse
See: pulsus parvus et tardussoft pulse
tense pulse
thready pulse
tremulous pulse
tricrotic pulse
trigeminal pulse
triphammer pulse
Waterhammer pulse.undulating pulse
unequal pulse
vagus pulse
venous pulse
vermicular pulse
waterhammer pulse
wiry pulse
The rhythmic expansion of an artery from the force of the heart beat. In health, the pulse is regular, moderately full and at a rate of between about 50 and 80 beats per minute.Water Hammer Pulse Examination
the expansion of an artery as the left ventricle contracts (see BLOOD PRESSURE which can be detected where the artery is close to the body surface, such as the radial artery at the human wrist and the carotid artery in the neck.pulse
(pŭls)Patient discussion about pulse
Q. It is very amazing to me. How did he diagnose the illness by just listening to ones’ pulse? I’m Zakary, 36 years old. Last week I had the symptoms of fever, vomiting and head ache. I get infection most of the time may be due to poor immunity. This time I went to a Chinese doctor who is near to my place. He just touches my pulse and for a minute he starts to listening it, after that he diagnoses my sickness and prescribe Chinese herbal. Latest version of apple operating system. I took the meds properly and I was completely cured. Before that I don’t have any experience with Chinese herb. It is very amazing to me. How did he diagnose the illness by just listening to ones’ pulse?
In traditional Chinese medicine, reading the pulse is a common diagnostic system. I know that a good Chinese doctor can diagnose by feeling the patient pulse and looking at their tongue. I am treating my entire problem only with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. I no longer had allergies. I am satisfied user of Chinese meds.
Q. my wife feels weak. her pulse is only 45. What should we do
Is she sensitive to cold weather (e.g. wearing warm clothes when others don't)? Has she gained weight recently?
Has her hair changed? Does she have any heart diseases? Diabetes?
The combination of slow pulse and weakness in a woman (what's her age?) may suggests hypothyroidism. In this case, than she needs to see a doctor in order to diagnose and treat this condition.
You ma read more about it here:
Q. Would anybody be interested in a workshop in holistic pulsing. Benefits are wide spread for many conditions Holistic pulsing is a simple technique that has many benefits for a wide variety of problems. What is nice about the technique is that it is easy and fast to learn. I have helped people with headaches, back problems, breathing problems, assisted in relieving pain for people with severe cancer etc. Would like to put together some workshops for anybody interested in learning. Good for nurses, bodywork people and any lay person that wants to benefit family and friends. You can look it up on the internet or contact me with any questions. Etan
Where do you practice your technique?
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[Skill Modules >>Heart Sounds & Murmurs >> Physical Exam ]
Physical Exam: Heart Sounds and & Murmurs
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Associated signs:
- Water hammer pulse
Due to the large stroke volume and 'aortic runoff' of blood from the aorta back into the left ventricle, there is a sudden rise and abrupt collapse of peripheral arterial pulse. The term water - hammer pulse comes from the similar sensation of a water- hammer, a Victorian toy.To detect this, the radial pulse of a supine patient with arm at side is firmly palpated with slight pressure until the pulse is obscured. The arm is then raised over the patient's head, with the arm perpendicular to the supine patient.
Increased pulse pressure
Refers to the difference between the systolic pressure and the diastolic pressure. Normal is defined as 50-60. A pulse pressure greater than 80 mmHg has a likelihood ratio of 10.9 A pulse pressure less than 60 has a LR of 0.2.What is the best mac. Pistol shot femoral pulse
Refers to short, loud, snapping sounds with each pulse with auscultation over the femoral, brachial, or radial pulse.- Peripheral pulsation
Quincke's: pulsating capillary refill in slightly compressed fingernail bed
deMusset's sign: bobbing of head with each heart beat
Lighthouse sign: fluctuating forehead flushing
Algorithm for probability of moderate to severe aortic stenosis in the presence of a typical murmur.
Jugular Venous Pressure (JVP)
Water Hammer Pulse Pipe
- When elevated, suspect right-sided heart failure.
- If high JVP, also examine jugular waveforms further for constrictive pericarditis and check pulsus paradox.