“Am I a God at hand, declares the LORD, and not a God far away? Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the LORD. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the LORD.”
Omnipresence - the state of being everywhere at once (or seeming to be everywhere at once) ubiquitousness, ubiquity presence - the state of being present; current existence; 'he tested for the presence of radon'. Omnipresence is closely related to omnipotence and omniscience, that is, God who is everywhere is able to act everywhere, and He acts in infinite wisdom at every point because He knows all things. He has access to all places and all secrets. Apple store windows for mac. The omnipresence of God, therefore, is a source of comfort and strength to the believer.
- Jeremiah 23:23–24As a being who is beyond measure, God cannot be contained in any finite space (Ps. 147:5). The fact that our Lord has no spatial limitations has certain consequences for how we understand His other attributes, with omnipresence being a logical counterpart to His infinity. If God cannot be confined in any finite space, it makes sense that He would be omnipresent, that is, present everywhere in creation. Mac os 10.8 free download. Today’s passage is one of many texts in Scripture that reveal to us our Creator’s omnipresence. There is no place that we can hide in all creation because God fills all creation. No matter where we go, there our God will be. He is not limited to only one place, so we cannot erect a barrier between ourselves and His presence. He transcends spatial limitations, and He is able to be in many places—indeed, everywhere—all at once.
Like divine infinity, however, divine omnipresence is a difficult concept to grasp. It would be a mistake, for example, to conceive of omnipresence as God’s being like a gas that is diffused throughout the entire universe. In the first place, gases have material form even if they are often invisible to us, and God is immaterial. He is spirit (John 4:24). Moreover, when a gas is diffused throughout a particular area, no one space contains every gas molecule. When we think about oxygen in a room, the full quantity of oxygen is not gathered at one point in the corner. Instead, there are gas molecules throughout the room.
Omnipresence is altogether different because it means that the fullness of God is present everywhere. Everything that God is is fully present at each point in a given room, at every point in the building outside the room, and at every point outside the building. “More” of God is not found at point A than at point B. God and His attributes, including His holiness, wisdom, goodness, justice, knowledge, power, and so on, are fully present in His creation at every point. We often forget that the Lord is right at hand wherever we are, but our forgetfulness does not indicate His absence.
Of course, God reserves the right to make us feel His presence more strongly at certain times and in particular places than at others (see, for example, Ex. 3:1–4:17). But even if God “feels” more present here than He does over there, He is equally present in both places. Thus, He guides us wherever we go (Ps. 23).
Omnipresence Of God
Coram Deo
God’s omnipresence is a comforting truth. If God is everywhere, then we know He is never far away and can come quickly to our aid. Because He is present everywhere, we can know that He is acting in each and every place according to His holy will for our good and to achieve His purposes. This is true even when He seems to be far away.
- 1 The state of being widespread or constantly encountered. ‘the omnipresence of the internet in society today’. More example sentences. ‘the omnipresence of TVs in public venues’. ‘The omnipresence of the past is the key to his exemplary production.’.
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Passages for Further Study
Psalm 89:46–52
Psalm 89:46–52
Hosea 14
Hosea 14
Matthew 18:20
Matthew 18:20
2 Corinthians 6:14–7:1
2 Corinthians 6:14–7:1
Answer: The prefix omni- originates in Latin and means “all.” So, to say that God is omnipresent is to say that God is present everywhere. In many religions, God is regarded as omnipresent, whereas in both Judaism and Christianity, this view is further subdivided into the transcendence and immanence of God. Although God is not totally immersed in the fabric of creation (pantheism), He is present everywhere at all times.
God’s presence is continuous throughout all of creation, though it may not be revealed in the same way at the same time to people everywhere. At times, He may be actively present in a situation, while He may not reveal that He is present in another circumstance in some other area. The Bible reveals that God can be both present to a person in a manifest manner (Psalm 46:1; Isaiah 57:15) and present in every situation in all of creation at any given time (Psalm 33:13-14). Omnipresence is God’s characteristic of being present to all ranges of both time and space. Although God is present in all time and space, God is not locally limited to any time or space. God is everywhere and in every now. No molecule or atomic particle is so small that God is not fully present to it, and no galaxy so vast that God does not circumscribe it. But if we were to remove creation, God would still know of it, for He knows all possibilities, whether they are actual or not.
Omnipresence Orem
God is naturally present in every aspect of the natural order of things, in every manner, time and place (Isaiah 40:12; Nahum 1:3). God is actively present in a different way in every event in history as provident guide of human affairs (Psalm 48:7; 2 Chronicles 20:37; Daniel 5:5-6). God is in a special way attentively present to those who call upon His name, who intercede for others, who adore God, who petition, and who pray earnestly for forgiveness (Psalm 46:1). Supremely, He is present in the person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:19), and mystically present in the universal church that covers the earth and against which the gates of hell will not prevail.
Just as the omniscience of God suffers apparent paradoxes due to the limitations of the human mind, so does the omnipresence of God. One of these paradoxes is important: the presence of God in hell, that place unto which the wicked are departed and suffer the unlimited and unceasing fury of God because of their sin. Many argue that hell is a place of separation from God (Matthew 25:41), and if so, then God cannot be said to be in a place that is separated from Him. However, the wicked in hell endure His everlasting anger, for Revelation 14:10 speaks of the torment of the wicked in the presence of the Lamb. That God should be present in a place that the wicked are said to be departed unto does cause some consternation. However, this paradox can be explained by the fact that God can be present—because He fills all things with His presence (Colossians 1:17) and upholds everything by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3)—yet He is not necessarily everywhere to bless.
Just as God is sometimes separated from His children because of sin (Isaiah 52:9), and He is far from the wicked (Proverbs 15:29) and orders the godless subjects of darkness to depart at the end of time to a place of eternal punishment, God is still there in the midst. He knows what those souls suffer who are now in hell; He knows their anguish, their cries for respite, their tears and grief for the eternal state that they find themselves in. He is there in every way as a perpetual reminder to them of their sin which has created a chasm from every blessing that might be otherwise granted. He is there in every way, but He displays no attribute other than His wrath.